We all think this is one of the best pictures taken during the trip - or the most likely to have a chance at being in National Geographic. I asked about the stick and the answer given was that he was emulating his elders who carry a beaded staff. After coming home we noticed that he is in many of our pictures - he followed us most of the afternoon.

I suppose it would 'make sense' to speak of all of the similarities between these children and the kids at home in the states. They are, after all, all kids. There were mostly differences though. One thing that I did notice is that the kids in the states who have been labeled as 'poor' tend to know that they are poor - or without things they want. Spending this afternoon with the Maasai didn't feel like anyone felt poor - in fact they were rich, they had many cattle. Granted it was a day of celebration (so they were dressed up) and I was only in the boma for an afternoon