Kathy took a picture of raindrops falling on the water in a swamp in Louisiana which inspired me to take these while it was raining (still) today. I think there is nothing anyone can do to make Tainter Lake as romantic as a swamp in Louisiana. Even sitting on our new deck on the new wrought iron bench doesn't change the green-sludge view.
It's series like this that really make me wish for a camera that I can focus - takes forever to get it to focus where I want it to. Manual digital focus is only as useful as far as I can tell when the pixels seem to be the clearest.
The book of visions always has blank pages, for the mystic never can agree on exactly what they saw.
The album’s filled with photographs where lens and light and silver nitrate record the moments as they were. A steady light may be observed. A flash, however brilliant, is debated.
And so with these captures of a flash, there is a presentation of agreement.
Truth in Beauty
Evil finds a ready home Where Beauty is despised and Ugliness enthroned. ~Calvin Miller